Our Story
Kinematic originates from Industrial Robotics. 15 years ago, we brought all of our technology and experience to Contruction Machine Control. And the results of this technology transfer still leaves footprints in the world's leading markets for machine control.

Our Vision
We have an unstoppable hunger for bringing value to the processes and workflows within the construction business. We want to help its busy people by making everyday work easier and more efficient.

Kinematic is solidly founded on many years of research and development. Using advanced math, sensor fusion, computer graphics, and UX design, we transform deep knowledge about field workflows and profound understanding of actual user needs into indispensable everyday tools.

There's no denying it - Kinematic is a tech company! Only one single thing stimulates us even more than new technology: To actually make a difference to our customers and end users. And location awareness is such a great means to achieve exactly this. GNSS and similar technologies are key to huge optimizations and savings.
Kinematic is an independent company run by its founders. We develop clever software platforms and solutions integrating top-nodge components from our hardware partners. We are very customer driven. Our customers are technology integrators within Construction and related industries.

Head Quarters
Cortex Park Vest 4, 1. 3
5230 Odense M
CVR. 35397779
Tel: +45 267 367 67

Contact Us
Job Opportunities
To apply for a job with Kinematic, please call, drop by or send a cover letter together with your C.V. to: info@Kinematic.dk