Dec 21, 2020
Looking for skilled software developers!
Kinematic is growing and we are again looking for skilled and experienced software developers (C++, web front-end, and more ...). We are...
Dec 21, 2020
Vi søger flere dygtige software-udviklere!
Kinematic vokser, og vi søger igen dygtige og erfarne software-udviklere (C++, web front-end og mere...). Vi er ekstremt uformelle og...
Dec 17, 2020
Cool technology comes from cool developers
During working hours, Kinematic's cool developers create our appealing user interfaces, our lightning fast sensor and graphics...
Dec 1, 2020
Mette Nygaard, you are one brave woman! 😀👍
Our organization has reached the size where an Administrative Coordinator is required. Mette holds an impressive track record from...
Nov 1, 2020
700 licenses in 2½ years - truly incredible!!!
Even in our weatest dreams, 2½ years ago, we didn't see this coming! We are overly happy that our strong focus and hard effort has lead...
Sep 30, 2020
What a nice homepage, isn't it? 😊
We are so very proud of our newly overhauled homepage - it really conveyes what a crisp and innovative company we are!
Jun 16, 2020
Sweden, here we come! 😊
Swedish dealer Maskin System AB introduces the Makin' 3D products to Sweden. Wow, this is going to be great!!
Mar 31, 2020
Meet our new UX Designer, Hasse Bylov
Hasse has a wide background in User Experience Design for both Robotics and Machine Control - and he's a great guy. Welcome, Hasse!
Dec 19, 2019
Welcome to Lennart Pedersen!
With a solid background in development of complex web and cloud based systems, and his generous personality, Lennart is a much welcomed...
Dec 19, 2019
License #300! That's something worth celebrating!
Today, we exceeded software license no. 300. Ruben Hensen, COO of our great customer and partner, Makin AS, kindly brought a cake to...
Sep 30, 2019
Morten Overgaard goes all in
With his background as MSc. in Robotics and with a highly interesting Master's project together with Kinematic, Morten can do much more...
May 19, 2019
Release of Makin' Stakeout
We proudly present Kinematic's latest software product, Makin' Stakeout, for easy surveying tasks. Makin AS will be selling Makin'...
Apr 2, 2019
Kinematic on fire! (more than usual...)
A stray cigarette butt ignites the wodden roof terrace and the building burns down to the ground. Fortunately, nobody is hurt and all...
Mar 1, 2019
Glen Seested joins team Kinematic - yes!!!
Yet another gifted software developer joins the team. Holding a MSc. in IT Engineering, Glen's skills, experience, and personality are...
Dec 11, 2018
100 software licenses out - Yeehaaaa!!!
We reach 100 software licenses in the market - already!
May 1, 2018
Great debut at Vei og Anlegg 2018
Makin AS and Norwegian dealer Maskinstyring AS release our Makin' 3D Excavator on Vei og Anlegg 2018. We are literally overwhelmed by the...
Apr 10, 2018
Kinematic and Maskinstyring establish Makin
Kinematic ApS and Maskinstyring AS together establish Makin AS. Makin will be integrating Kinematic's software and quality hardware into...
Sep 1, 2017
Automatic drone inspection of wind turbine wings
Vincent Tofterup and Morten Overgaard join Kinematic, developing software for a customer R&D pilot project aiming at automatic drone...
Dec 2, 2015
SideWalking at Vejforum 2015
SideWalking, our GNSS/GIS-based system for infrastructure mapping, is presented at Vejforum 2015, the largest national road sector...
Sep 24, 2015
Meet Søren Holm, the Lucky Luke of software development!
Søren Holm is an extremely widely talented and highly productive "swiss army knife" software developer - and a wonderful person. We...